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Yume Highlights: 208 Tonnes of Apricot Juice.

We're continuing our journey down memory lane of the Yume team's most memorable food consignments that have taken us to our 2,000,000kg sold.

In February this year, a large beverages manufacturer had a cancelled order from a nation-wide supermarket, and found themselves with 366,500 surplus cans of apricot juice! That's a LOT of juice! They contacted Yume, who managed to sell the entire consignment in less than a week - preventing 208 tonnes of perfect apricot juice from going to waste. Thousands of Australians can now enjoy this delicious juice, the supplier got a great return on the product they put so much time into, and we spared the environment from millions of tonnes of CO2 ending up in the atmosphere. We say it's a win-win-win!


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